Spin bowlers have a constant battle on their hands
And what a battle it is:
Bats are getting bigger and better every season
Shorter boundaries to please the crowds
Ignorant captains who understand nothing of the nuances of spin bowling
Flat wickets everywhere you look (fines are even handed out for pitches that spin too much)
Poor advice from non-spinning coaches who do not know how to coach spin bowling
Unsympathetic selectors who drop you after one batsman got lucky and slogged you for a few sixes
Limited modern spin bowling resources available with so few spinners taking up coaching
More than any other form of cricketer, spin bowlers belong to an unspoken group, a fraternity of twirlymen, a spin mob whose membership is earned by the fact that the members prefer guile and deception above brute force.
And more than all other cricketers spin bowlers owe their success to sticking together and learning their trade from each other, passing the secrets down from one generation to the next.
Spin bowling resources are scarce
It’s a fact of cricketing life that most coaches are batsmen, especially at international level. Think of Gary Kirsten, John Wright and Andy Flower. And they will always appoint a fast bowler as the head bowling coach.
Maybe, if they are feeling very generous and the cricket board has some left over cash they will appoint a ‘spin bowler advisor’.
That’s about it.
So, we are left on our own mostly. Applying our trade with very little help, and plenty of battles to fight that our non-spinning colleagues know nothing about.
Spin bowling is an extremely specialist field, with all its nuances, trickery, deception and sleight of hand stuff. It's an art form. More so than any other discipline in cricket.
And you need to learn from another spin bowler.
Spin Bowling Project Training Course
From average to great. From struggling to results. From not being able to pitch it on the strip to ripping it past the bat or through the gate.
Proper modern spin bowling advice.
Since you will probably be unable to meet me in the nets anytime soon (international flights can be quite expensive), here’s the guide/video/audio/training kit to help you out get you on track.
You will get insanely good advice to get your spinning at the top of your game and make batsmen look foolish. And make your captain wish he could bowl you all day (now, that is a nice thought).
You'll learn to
- How to deceive batsman in the air before you beat them off the pitch
- How to approach all aspects of your training (technique, fitness, mental)
- Deal with spinners issues, such as poor captains and dreadful keepers
- Bowl to different type batsmen under various conditions
- Use your variations to maximum effect
- Effective placing of your field
- Remove obstacles standing between you and becoming a great spinner
My background (or why bother even listening to me)
Obviously you don’t want to learn from someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about. Like some smug cricket coach who thinks they know it all and seen it all.
My name is Menno and I’m Spin Bowling Coach. I started coaching 15 years ago as a teenager and I have played with and against many first class and test players (in fact, I still do).
Mostly now I am interested in creating great modern spin bowling coaching material for spin bowlers who want to work hard and be the best. Spin bowlers like you.
Qualifications (I think they count)
Trained under two test spin bowlers, the Aussie great Ashley Mallet and the South African leftie Omar Henry, including plenty other first class spin bowlers.
Played all sorts of top representative cricket coming through the ranks
Spin bowler all my life (never went to the dark side of medium pacing)
Knowing what doesn’t work, having played under plenty, really poor coaches
Knowing what does work, having helped hundreds of spin bowlers achieve their best
Hundreds of happy spinners who responded to my methods and material and are out there ripping it hard and long
What's in the Spin Bowling Project's Guide?
(the 365 page, 17MB spin bowling mega guide)
All the techniques, the do's and dont's, the extremely useful tips, the advice, the pictures (hundreds), diagrams, sketches and when, how and why of spin bowling.
All the stuff you ever wanted to know about spin bowling. Well, all that and some more (as I will tell you plenty things you didn't even knew you had to know)
All in one super useful (and really cool looking) manual.
The spin bowling guide series is a huge find of spin bowling information. Technical skills, tactical acumen, mental toughness, exercises and drills and all the other soft skills needed.
All combined to help you become the best spin bowler you can be.
(focused on spin bowlers)
A fitness guide, by Brian Wardle, written specifically with spinners in mind. Brian is a qualified fitness instructor from Leeds, UK, who plays cricket in the summer and competes in powerlifting events in the winter. He certainly knows his stuff and show you a simple, practical way of raining that gets results.
Strength and condition is vital if you want to be top (and injury free) spin bowler. This guide by an expert fitness instructor shows you what to do.
No more excuses for wandering in the gym not knowing what to do!
(for different match situations)
I just know too many spin bowlers that simply do not know what to tell their captain how they want their field when they come on to bowl.
Not really the sign of a confident bowler.
This guide takes you through many game situations to help you start thinking about how you want to place your field, and how to adapt to different situations.
This will make you develop tactics that integrate better with your spin bowling.

(30 minute interview with PitchVision Academy)
A copy (mp3) of an interview I did with Cricket Coaching Director David Hinchliffe. We chatted for about 30 minutes on a few aspects of cricket spin bowling.
Such as when to give up, how to run effective practise sessions, why the word spinner is really a misnomer, what to do when you get frustrated, and more.
All good stuff, and will teach you much on the soft skills needed.
All of the above products come to you electronically as downloads (but you I'm sure you knew that)
But but but
Why will this work? Why can’t I just work it all out for myself? Well, practising the ‘wrong’ way is worse than not practising at all. And a sign of all great spin bowlers is that they are not ashamed to ask for guidance and advice.
This is more than just a bunch of techniques and variations (although, I show you those as well). It’s about the holistic development as a spin bowler. It’s theoretical and practical. And it works.
Why stay average? The Spin Bowling Project hooks you up with a complete training guide to being the best spin bowler you can be. It works. Like crazy.
You’ll use these techniques for the rest of your playing career, get exponentially better and manage to get out of bad patches quicker.