Pre-Season Training Logs | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Pre-Season Training Logs


Why would you need a training log?

We all know the player who is perfect when drilling or netting but when they get out in the middle it all goes horribly wrong. There is a disconnection. In the same way there is a disconnection between the tips on this site and what you do in practice or in the middle.

For example, to be a genuinely fast and accurate bowler you can't just post a comment and wait for someone to give you a one line answer. It takes work, practice and many hours of full commitment.

That's where this training logs section comes in.

Logs help you take action.

You can hold yourself accountable here. Set up a training log and when you do something note it down. Nobody is trying to catch you out. It's actually better when you do things wrong and learn from them.

Get out there and start moving towards your goal. Once you have done that first hour, come back and record how it went. Tell us how you felt if you like or just record what happened.

Make yourself accountable. Make yourself better.

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