Batting | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Use This Simple 3 Stage Drill to Improve Batting Decision Making

Last week I talked about the missing two thirds of batting and focused on helping batters pick up visual cues. The next phase of the batting process is to build up our decision making capacity.

One of the ways that works for me is to build up the number of resources available to the individual: That is to say which options can be used.

I then to test which ones are most effective in a variety of scenarios and match conditions. This way, the player starts to decide for themselves.

I ran a session based on this today around playing spin using the Merlyn spin bowling machine variation mode which subtly shifts lengths by 10% either way.

The session went a little bit like this:

Make This One Change to Your Drills to Stop Them Feeling Like Hard Work

Technical work is called "work" for a reason: It's hard and boring. But it doesn't have to be.

That's according to ECB coach Iain Brunnschweiler, a man who knows a thing or two about creating engaging coaching sessions that improve players. He's made coaching courses about it!

So how do you make your drills fun without compromising?

Don't Forget the Tail-Enders at Cricket Nets

Coach Iain Brunnschweiler is standing up for the "lower order run getters" this week, with a brand new "off the shelf" coaching session that gives the tail priority while you have nets.

What gives?

As Mark Garaway often reminds us, everyone in the team bats, and everyone in the team is allowed to score runs, not just the batters. So why shouldn't everyone practice batting?

How Ian Bell Helped One Batsman to Become a Rock Star

You might be surprised to learn that I'm not a big reader of books. Yet, occasionally, I come across a book that flows when I read it and has big enough font that even a fool like myself can keep pace and not make too many mistakes when reading in my head.

Robin Sharma has a wonderful book called The Greatness Guide in which he scribes a series of 2 page lessons that he has learnt from his life in business and now in his highly successful personal development coaching business.

One of the books lessons is;

Turbo Boost Net Practice with Iain Brunnschweiler

If your nets have got a bit dull and lifeless, you need to fit a turbo boost, courtesy of England Performance Programme Coach, Iain Brunnschweiler.

Right now "Brunchy" is realising a 6 week series of coaching sessions that anyone can take to nets to make the sessions fun, exciting sessions that will lead to better cricket from you and your team.

The latest one is out today so click here to get this week's session instantly.

3 Lazy Ways to Score More Runs

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There's no doubt that learning the craft of batting is a long road. So why not take a couple of shortcuts?

Here are three simple, streetwise ways that you can score more runs without spending hours in the nets grooving your drives. Yeah they are a bit lazy, but things are tough enough, you can use a helping hand.

Best of 2013: Becoming a Cricketer, Bowling and Batting

With 2013 drawing to a close, it's time to give you the best content on PitchVision Academy from the last 12 months. It's been another stellar year.

Of course, the year wouldn't be complete without thousands hitting the site to learn how to become a cricketer, so we published our complete guide in May, then added even more advice with a rant about all the things that people do wrong.

10 Best Cricket Coaching Books for eReaders

More people than ever woke up on Christmas morning to a Kindle eBook reader. Who knows how many millions got their hands on an iPad or other tablet with a Kindle app ready to go.

Great gifts, but you need something to put on them.

How to Play Short Bowling

This is an article by Gary Palmer about the most effective and progressive way of coaching playing the short ball. For a complete video guide on the right trigger moves to play the short ball by Gary, click here.

You need to master the correct techniques of the back foot defence before you move on to playing the bouncer. For young cricketers especially, bouncer practice should be the latter sessions within a coaching program over a number of weeks.

Are You Batting Like A Blind Poker Player?

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I am a very part time spinner. Yet I've claimed the wicket of many a first-class batsman in the nets following an ill advised premeditated advance towards one of my oh-so-friendly off breaks. Lets be honest, we haven't just heard about this, we've all been there ourselves.