Cricket Show 338: Competition Winner | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Cricket Show 338: Competition Winner

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This week's winner of the Cricket Show podcast question competition is Matt. He wins a free coaching course from PitchVision Academy.

The winning question was,


"My question around thinking about my winter training and planning what I might focus on. I was recently watching Kane Williamson and Ross Taylor batting together on TV, and it struck me that there was a real contrast between them in where they contact the ball. Taylor is more active with his hands and seems more comfortable striking the ball further away from his body. Williamson seems happier taking the ball later and likes to let it get into his body more.

"Thinking about this contrast in terms of my own game, I know I play a lot better when I contact the ball closer to my body. When I'm more active with my hands away from my body it's normally a sign I'm either nervous or overhitting and I tend to hit the ball uppishly.

"What I would like to develop is:

"1. To be more positive, especially early in an innings, but without going hard at the ball with my hands. 2. To improve the consistency of my power hitting.

"Is this a helpful observation about the way I like to hit the ball, and if so how would you look to take these areas forwards?"

Listen to the panels answer to his question here.

To enter your own question for the chance to win your choice of online coaching course, send your questions in here.

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