CRICKET JOBS: Community Project Officer - Cricket Derbyshire Foundation (UK) | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

CRICKET JOBS: Community Project Officer - Cricket Derbyshire Foundation (UK)

Filed in:

Closing date: 12th October 2015

The Cricket Derbyshire Foundation (CDF) is seeking to appoint a dynamic and highly-motivated Community Project Officer (CPO) to work with cricket clubs and community groups in the city and county which are situated in deprived communities and where help is needed most.


The CPO will work in partnership with specific cricket clubs and community groups to identify the support they need and help them to develop plans to set up new activities and develop their facilities for increased use by a wider section of local community groups and residents.

Clubs will be encouraged to initiate new activities and projects, with the CPO providing support and knowledge to assist each club with the submission of grant applications to funding organisations to seek funding for applicable projects.

This key role is broad and very rewarding with the opportunity to develop new and innovative positive community initiatives through the power of sport. It is funded by a grant from The Tudor Trust, an
independent grant-making trust which helps voluntary and community groups - including local cricket clubs - to support people at the margins of society.

For more information on this position - Click Here

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