CRICKET JOBS: Non Executive Director - PCA (UK) | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

CRICKET JOBS: Non Executive Director - PCA (UK)

Filed in:

Closing date: 16th May 2014

Following the recent appointment of an additional PCA Executive to the Board of PCA Management Ltd, the Association is seeking an experienced non-Executive Director to join the Board, in order to maintain a good balance between Executive and Independent Directors. 

The Board, which comprises a non-Executive Chairman, currently Anthony Wreford, The PCA Chief Executive, Angus Porter, the Player Chairman, Mark Wallace, and other Executive and non-Executive members – oversees the activities of the PCA on behalf of its members.

The time commitment for this role is relatively modest, and is unlikely to total more than fifteen days a year. Click here for the complete job description.

Applicants are invited to send a CV and a covering letter to Angus Porter at The closing date for applications is Friday May 16.


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