CRICKET JOBS: Head of S & C - Northants CCC (UK) | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

CRICKET JOBS: Head of S & C - Northants CCC (UK)

Filed in:

Closing date: 31st October 2015

'After three years our highly respected Head Strength and Conditioning Coach David Sutton is moving on. He has been head hunted to fill a position at the Chinese High Performance Centre in Shanghai.

This opens up a challenging job position for an ambitious and dedicated Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at Northants Cricket.

David was a popular member of our succesful Professional Cricket Support Staff Team. His tireless work ethics and efforts paved the way to higher levels of fitness and robustness, Which has lead to promotion to Division One and winning the T20 in 2013. Aswell as a runners up spot in 2015.

We wish David all the best for the future.'

Covering letter and CV can be send to Barry Goudriaan, Sports Science and Medicine Lead via The Job Advert will also be on the websites of the ECB, UKSCA and UK Sport. And hopefully trending on Twitter very shortly.

Click here for more details

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