Quick Tip: You Don't Need to Get Faster to be Faster | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Quick Tip: You Don't Need to Get Faster to be Faster

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You don't need to be a quick runner to be a quick fielder, or to steal a quick single.

Of course, it helps to be as rapid as a sprinter but how many professional cricketers do you think can do a 100m in a decent time? I'll tell you now. Not many.

However, what you lack in raw leg power, you can easily make up in game awareness. With experience and practice you can learn when to run and when to shout "no". In the field, you can see when a batsman is shaping to hit hard and when she is looking to drop and run.

Being able to see the future like this is the hallmark of a bright, streetwise cricketer. Make it part of your aim alongside getting better at sprinting.

You'll be run out less, and get more run outs.

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