New community section is open | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

New community section is open

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As you have probably already noticed the new community section is open.

It's accessible through the sidebar on the right hand side underneath the Cricket Resources box. If you are reading this in an email or RSS feed then click here to visit the site and see it.

The reason this section has been created is that I want this site to be as interactive as possible.

In the past the site has been more about me telling you things. I have a lot of experience and knowledge but I am not a 'guru' and I don't have all the answers on my own.

What I do have is a passion to make Harrowdrive to single best destination for all cricket answers. The only way to do it is to make it into a site that anyone can contribute to.

That's where the community comes in.

Via the new section on the sidebar you can:

  • Ask a question or answer one from someone else
  • Introduce yourself
  • Chat on the forum (via simply cricket)
  • Participate in social media

You can also still leave comments at the bottom of every post. Something I encourage you to do if you have anything to say about any topic we have discussed.

If we work together and share out knowledge we will all be better players for it. Please join in the conversation as much as you can.

© Copyright miSport Holdings Ltd 2008

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