Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

Here's the Advice I Gave Santa This Christmas

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Santa doesn't play or coach much cricket. I know because he told me one one of our regular updates to him about my kid's "naughty or nice" status.

But I told him he should give it a go.

Think about it, he's the perfect opening batsman. Sure he is overweight by modern standards but anyone who has the stamina to ride a sleigh all night, clamber up and down chimneys and lug that huge sack around would find scoring a hundred a cinch.

So I said to Santa that he should consider trying a few games when the Christmas break is over.

Cricket Show S8 Episode 49: Lessons of the Year

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In the last show of the series, Mark Garaway, Sam Lavery and David Hinchliffe and Mark Garaway talk about what they learned in cricket this year. Plus we squeeze in two final questions for this series: playing indoor cricket and opening in T20 cricket.

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Listen for the details.

Cricket Show S8 Episode 49: Lessons of the Year

In the last show of the series, Mark Garaway, Sam Lavery and David Hinchliffe and Mark Garaway talk about what they learned in cricket this year. Plus we squeeze in two final questions for this series: playing indoor cricket and opening in T20 cricket.

Remember to follow PitchVision Academy for free bonus content.

My Cricket Review of 2017

Christmas is well appreciated in the Garaway Household. As with many families, its a time for getting everyone together, for over-indulgence and for reflection on the hectic 12 months that we have had in 2017.

When ‘Chin Music’ went ‘off’ beat

Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions, said, Harold Geenen. And Sourav Ganguly did exactly that 14 years ago when he led his team to Australia in the first test at the GABA, Brisbane test. He was targeted by the Australian media for his inability to paly short and bouncing deliveries and told him to be ready for some ‘chin music’. It was a mind game which Australian Media and team had launched against a man who stopped their invincible run when they visited India in 2001-02 and lost the series 2-1 to Ganguly and his team.

A Team of Captains: How to Use Leadership to Produce Winning Results

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There’s only one captain in a team, but everyone can be a leader.

You Can’t Think Your Way to Mental Toughness

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The more you think, the worse your cricket mental game becomes.

Use Planning Perfection to Quickly Boost Your Cricket

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Imagine what your perfect cricketing day would be like.

Cricket Show S8 Episode 48: Read the Notes

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Sam Lavery returns to join David Hinchliffe and Mark Garaway in this demob happy cricket show. The team discuss the use of gizmos and gadgets, hip shoulder separation and regaining lost motivation.

Remember to follow PitchVision Academy for free bonus content.

Listen for the details.

Cricket Show S8 Episode 48: Read the Notes

Sam Lavery returns to join David Hinchliffe and Mark Garaway in this demob happy cricket show. The team discuss the use of gizmos and gadgets, hip shoulder separation and regaining lost motivation.

Remember to follow PitchVision Academy for free bonus content.