Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

How to avoid fatigue on the cricket pitch

It's a horrible feeling when you have been in the field for a long time: Your legs get heavy and all you want to do is get off the pitch, get in the shower and have a pint or a cuppa.

Usually this is the time you need to be most switched on.

So it pays to use a couple of tricks to keep the fatigue away in the dying overs.

An update from the technical department

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We have 2 geeky updates for you so if you are not interested in rss feeds or permalinks look away now.

  • We had a slight issue with the sites original rss feed looping back to my feedburner feed so I am redirecting everything through now. Update your feed reader if you so desire.

An ugly win is still a win

Jack Nicklaus is renowned for saying that the more he practiced, the luckier he got. It's a great philosophy but it ignores an important factor.

You don't have to do things perfectly to win.

Here’s a quick way to improve your running speed

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Some cricketers are natural runners, especially between the wickets. We can't all be as swift as Collingwood or Symonds though so we need a simple cheat to get our 22 yard dash up to speed.

That's where your arms come in.

Many coaches encourage the use of technique training to make this process as efficient as possible but in fact there is a simpler trick (especially for club players with little time to train):

How to get into the zone for cricket

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Have you ever been in 'the zone' when playing cricket?

If you have you know how good it feels and how much better your performance is, but you may not know that you can get there at will with the right training and tactics.

What is the zone?

The zone is that time when you are just playing. You are completely engrossed in your performance, unaware of anything else. You have no worries or distractions and you are not even making conscious decisions.

Mental training is just as effective as nets

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Club cricketers don't practice much. There is not the culture, enthusiasm or time to do so regularly. How do club players get around this?

Weekly Links 7th January 2007

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5 Ways to lose weight in time for the cricket season

Cricketers, more than any sportsman, enjoy their food. After all, the game is built around lunch and tea. So it's no surprise that most players will be carrying a little extra weight after the excesses of Christmas.

Don't panic, you can lose those pounds before the summer arrives.

Does club cricket need to win back the Ashes?

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Let's not fool ourselves. England lost the Ashes because the Australians were better.

But have Australia been better for so long because of their club cricket system: A system that feeds through the grades to State and Test level in a clear path?

Is there a cultural barrier to this in the UK that will forever hold the English back?

6 qualities of great club captains

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Playing under a good captain is a wonderful way to play cricket. Good captains rarely, if ever, let players, games or seasons drift away into boredom. You always get a game, the matches are as close as can be and you win more often than not. And if you are a club captain yourself, you have no doubt asked yourself how you can be this good yourself.

The 6 Keys to Great Club Captaincy