Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

How to Choose the Right Cricket Club (and Get a Head Start Once You Do)

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Sushma has a young son who is keen on cricket. The boy wants to play for a club. Trouble is, Shushma doesn’t know where to start when looking for a local team.

So he emailed PitchVision Academy.
He knew it was a big choice.

Pick the right one and a player will flourish.

Pick the wrong one and his career is over before it begins. We have all seen youngsters fall by the wayside.

Where do you start?

Wherever you live in the world, there are some things that remain constant.

Why You’re Putting the Best Fielders In the Wrong Position

Cover point is where your best inner ring fielder should always be to a seam bowler, right?

Cricket Show 138: Aakash Chopra

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The mental side of batting takes centre stage with a free preview from Aakash Chopra – Indian international – on how to play that old cliché of one ball at a time.

For more from Aakash enrol on his online coaching course Ranji to IPL.

There is also a lengthy discussion between show regulars Mark Garaway, David Hinchliffe and Burners on dealing with anxiety about getting out when you are in the middle.

Plus we rant about declarations and look into choosing a new cricket club.

And it wouldn’t be the cricket show without a discussion about cricket teas. Will the team really have a bake off after the close of play?

Why Roles Restrict Success

Let’s face it, cricketers are pigeon-holed.

The slow scoring reliable opener, the hard hitting tail ender, the elegant stroke player, the strike bowler...

We all do it.

We label team mates to help determine their role in the side and to assist us in making decisions to best suit the situation.

Here’s the Real Key to Playing Spin Well

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Today’s article is a guest post by club cricketer and coach, AB.

Batsmen spend years practicing coping with increasingly quicker bowling.

Naturally your main improvement comes by training your feet to move early and instinctively as soon as you pick up the line and length out of the bowler's hand.

This makes perfect sense because you’re automatically in the right position to play the appropriate shot without ever having to think about your feet.

Cricket Show 137: Winning at Left Arm Bowling Angles

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Left arm swing bowlers have unique advantages and challenges, so we look at the main ones this week. If you bowl left arm or coach left-armers this is the show for you.

But it’s not all about that. We also cover:
  • The problems of selecting a new coach (from international to club level)
  • What we learned from Des Haynes
  • How to stop bowling off cutters as a pace bowler

Plus we talk to Stuart Cope, Cricket Development Officer about cricket in inner cities, playing rep cricket and ambitions for the future. 

3 Delightfully Simple Ways to Spice Up Net Practice

There no worse practice than when a set of bowlers practice one element of the game; and the batters try to work on another element entirely. 

Disjointed net sessions are counterproductive because nobody gets what they want: least of all you as the coach.

How to Move Smoothly Into the First Team

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A 1st XI regular has gone on holiday for 2 weeks.

You have been called up for the first time. It is the chance you have been waiting for all season.

This is a real opportunity; you have the chance to be more than just a stand in for the week and a chance to stake your claim to a regular place in the team.

What do you do to make the most of it?

Find your role

The first thing to consider is your role in the team.

How to Keep Track of Your Momentum

Runs and wickets are limited as a way of seeing how well your team is doing in the field. There is no easy way of seeing where the psychological momentum lies.

At least, there wasn’t until some bright spark in the England setup developed ‘Match Play’

Match Play is used to judge how well a team is performing as a unit in the field without comparison to the opposition or the conditions.

It concerns the mental boosts or falls found during the game and how this affects the confidence of both sides.

How to Coach Luck Into Your Bowlers

Every team has the unlucky bowler who beats the edge to ohhs and ahhs from the slips yet picks up the rare wicket.  The ball just swings too much to find the edge.

Can you turn that bowler from “unlucky fred” into “fantastic fred”?