Quick Tip: How to Constantly Hit the Spot
Charlie asks,
"I need to know how to constantly hit the spot with my left arm away swing? I am 13 and I only started playing cricket this year."
Welcome to a lifelong obsession Charlie! Accuracy is one of the simpler skills to develop as a bowler. Simple, but not easy.
It's simple because it's easy to measure. Bowl in the nets and track your accuracy. As you try new things, look at the difference it makes to your performance and adjust as appropriate. That's the core of deliberate practice.
The joy is that you don't need a coach, or a batsman or anyone. You can do it yourself with a ball and an empty net if that's all you have. If you can get equipment then PV/ONE makes it easier and more accurate to track than hand notation. Bowling is the only skill in cricket where this is true. So take advantage!
The only other question is what to try as you track every ball. There are a number of variables that have different effectiveness for different people, so use trial and error and work on:
- Technique (a camera is valuable here).
- Focus
- Concentration
You will not nail it first time. There are a lot of dead ends. Think how long it took James Anderson to master swing bowling accuracy. Remember that you are only 1 year into your journey as a bowler and it takes time. However with the right focus you will improve over time.
Just don't let anyone tell you to "slow down to improve accuracy". It's got nothing to do with speed!
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