Quick Tip: Is it Possible for Your Wrist to Lose Flexibility? | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Quick Tip: Is it Possible for Your Wrist to Lose Flexibility?

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Jacques asks,

"Is it possible for your wrist to lose its flexibility when you haven't been spin bowling for a while or does it stay more or less the same with no damaging changes?"

Great question! It certainly is possible to lose flexibility.

The phrase "use it or lose it" is certainly true, especially as you get older and more locked into movement patterns. How much you lose it varies from person to person, so it's hard to say how long you would need to go without bowling before you lost the ability.

In fact, many people stay flexible enough that it doesn't matter much at all.

The good news is that, even if you do lose a lot of joint flexibility with age you can get it back.

Regular bowling is the first step, but so is a well thought out plan of stretching and mobilising joints that get gummed up over time.

If you are fine now, just keep bowling and add a basic stretching routine to the joint you want to keep supple.

If you have lost a enough mobility to prevent you from bowling well, it's time to get more aggressive with stretching, foam rolling, "tacking" and "flossing". But those concepts are for another time.

Hit me up if you want to know more.

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