Coaching | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Chalk vs iPad: Can Technology Make You A Better Coach?

What do you think of when I say “cricket technology”?

Hot Spot?

Laptop Coaching?

 All those things are the latest innovations to be used in the elite game, but technology has existed in every level of the game ever since someone decided to protect his legs from fast bowling by putting on shin pads in the 1830s.

How to Create Mentally Strong Cricketers

We all agree that good players are also mentally strong players. Yet despite the reams of coaching materials on technique and fitness, there is no system for developing confident cricketers.

You may, like me, have found yourself frustrated with players.

Despite your best efforts individuals are unable to maintain standards throughout the summer. Form is erratic and tails off at the back end of the season just when it’s most needed.

What I didn’t realise was that the training plan was the problem.

The Myth of Batting Footwork (And How to Really Fix Your Footwork Problem)

When you first walk out to bat you can find yourself “stuck” on the crease: you don’t get to the pitch of the ball and you end up playing a loose shot.

As you walk back to the pavilion you bemoan your lack of footwork.

Except that isn’t the problem.

Most footwork issues are nothing to do with your feet at all, yet many coaches continue with the mantra of telling players to move their feet.

All that does is lead to confusion and frustration.

How to Play the Reverse Sweep

With the constant rise in run rates, there has never been more demand for creative shots.

The reverse sweep is a perfect example: played when you need to take a risk to score quick runs by putting the ball into a gap.

In this exclusive video PitchVision Academy coach Ian Pont reveals the secrets of how to play and practice the reverse sweep.

Here’s a Video Timeline of How to Warm-Up before Cricket

We all accept the importance of a warm up to prepare your body and mind for the game if you play any serious level of cricket from school upwards.

So how does a modern cricket club do it?

We looked at the hour or so that our case study club, Watsonian CC, took to warm up in a league match in Edinburgh.

Do You Make These 4 Mistakes When You Coach Kids Cricket?

Today’s article is a guest post from Darren Talbot; Professional coach, Managing Director of Darren Talbot Cricket Coaching and founder committee member of the Surrey ECB Coaches Association.

It’s a moment we have all faced, and dreaded, as a cricket coach.

Standing in front of you is a group of 25 kids, all itching to get going. All you have is your own knowledge and perhaps – if you are lucky – the help of an unqualified parent.

How to Coach Batsmen to “Daddy” Hundreds

Former England batsman Graeme Gooch is known for advising players to score “daddy” hundreds: When you get your eye in, take the chance and score very big.

It’s sound advice that as a coach you have no doubt given to players. Yet the way we practice is the opposite of the way we score big runs. It’s no wonder player’s score a pretty 25 and get out to a lazy shot.

Here’s A Simple Way to Improve Your Strike Rotation

Ask any club captain and one of the first things he will bemoan about his team is the lack of ability to rotate the strike.

Sure, decent batsmen put the bad ball away. It’s not so easy when the pitch is tricky, the bowling is tight and the field is set to squeeze. The run rate drops and you find it difficult to set a total.

How to Use Fielding Drills to Improve Speed and Agility

This article is part of a series designed to show you how to adapt cricket drills for your needs. To see the full list of articles in this series click here.

Traditionalists breathe a sigh of relief: Modern training methods for developing fast and agile cricketers are a waste of time. We should be fielding instead.

How to Guarantee Your Club Has a Bright Future

You have a vital job as head of the colts section at your club.

Every club is battling for survival; including yours. Even the finest players have to retire. Without a conveyor belt of youngsters coming through your club will die.

It’s a terrifying responsibility.

The best way to handle the pressure is to keep calm and carry on with these ways to keep your club alive:

Focus on fun