Coaching | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Taking the Hassle Out of Team Organisation: 3 Reasons Why Your Team is Disorganised

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A badly run team is an unsuccessful team. How can you expect to do well when the basics are not covered?

Yet every week there are still last minute drop outs, desperate replacements sought and a host of other ways to scupper you chances before you even walk onto the field.

Here are three of the common headaches:

1. You don’t have time to check who is available

Adapting Cricket Drills: Improving Strength

This article is part of a series designed to show you how to adapt cricket drills for your needs. To see the full list of articles in this series click here.

By now you realise that strength is the cornerstone of cricket-specific athleticism.  Without strength you can’t develop skill.

Are You Inspiring Young Cricketers With the Twenty20 Revolution?

Today’s article is a guest post from Darren Talbot; Professional coach, Managing Director of Darren Talbot Cricket Coaching and founder committee member of the Surrey ECB Coaches Association.

Twenty20 has undoubtedly transformed cricket over the past few years. Its effects can be seen in club cricket too.

Is Laptop Coaching Taking the Drama Out of Cricket?

A new phrase is creeping in to cricket: Laptop coaching. And it’s not seen as a good thing.

It’s all pervasive in professional cricket: Analysts record every ball of matches and coaches pour over the stats looking for trends. Innings and bowling spells are recorded and catalogued for later analysis. Critics say the approach is responsible for creating robotic cricketers with no life skills beyond the ability to ‘hit the right areas’.

How to Improve Your Batting Shot Selection: Front Foot On Drive

This article is part of the “How to Improve Your Batting Shot Selection” series. To see the full list of shots click here.

The on drive is the best shot in the book.

The crowd-pleasing cover drive gets all the glamour and attention. Meanwhile really good batsmen know that the on drive is a far more useful shot.

How to Improve Your Batting Shot Selection: Introduction

Look in the old-fashioned coaching book gathering dust on your shelf and you will see the shot selection mantras. If you have batted at any level you know that shot selection is way more nuanced.

The best cricketers appear to have two or more shots to every ball.

They know exactly when to use these shots and when to cut them out. Tendulkar famously scored 241 without a cover drive (he thought it was too risky to play).

2 Reasons Why Every Cricket Coach Needs to Qualify

Today's guest article is from club cricket development expert Greg Wright.

Being qualified and certified to coach cricket is not an ideal it’s a MUST, here's why.

First things first; if you're dealing with children, it's common sense and best practice to ensure coaches are certified. This covers both insurance and peace of mind.

Scoring is Dead

With her flask of tea, well sharpened pencils and unflinching concentration, the scorer is a cornerstone of club cricket. Despite her loyalty, a cricket team bent on success needs more than a tidy book and timely averages at the end of the season.

How to Bridge the Gap Between Junior and Senior Cricket

Do you remember the first game of adult cricket you played?

It’s quite a shock to the system. One day a youngster brought up on 20 over evening cricket against teenagers is asked to play for 50 or more overs in the afternoon sunshine. It takes time to adapt physically and mentally.

Often, players asked to make this jump take one look at the chasm (the time it takes, the snarling full grown men) and decide not to even try. They are lost to the game. It’s all the more sad when you see talented players fall by the wayside.

Become a Classy Leg Spin Bowler (Even if You Don’t Have a Coach)

Something tells me you don’t have a good leg spin coach where you play, but that still doesn’t stop you bursting to get better as a leg spinner.

You have got a grip on the basics. You have played enough games to know what’s going on. But you don’t know what to do next.

In other words, you are stuck in a rut and don’t have anyone to turn to.