Fitness | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Can you improve your cricket fitness in 15 minutes?

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Everyone is busy these days. It's tough enough to find enough time to play cricket, let alone train.

But you already know how important it is to be fit for cricket.

How can you do it all?

One simple solution might be to cut back how long your workouts last. If you can get a full workout in a few minutes why bother going into the gym for an hour?

Experts agree: exercise doesn't work for cricket

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In the last few days, three giants in their fields all made statements about the role of exercise that put together couldn't be ignored.

First, batting great Geoff Boycott found himself agreeing that training in the gym is too disconnected from playing cricket to be effective.

Stop doing the same old workout and start feeling great on the pitch

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There is a saying in the world of fitness gurus the world over:

Everything works, but for only so long.

It's not just modern exercise physiology either. Even the ancient Greeks knew the importance of mixing things up.

5 Sure-fire ways to play aggressive cricket

Will playing attacking cricket get you better results than playing the percentage game?

You can have both.

Fast bowling, big spinning and hard hitting are fun, but cricket is a subtle game. Even Twenty20 has nuances. The best brand of aggressive cricket you can play is the selective type. Aggression is a mindset, not an on/off switch.

Ask the Coaches: Throwing

Send your questions on any cricket related topic to us using the question form here.

This week we discuss how to improve your throwing distance and how to make it as a professional cricketer. Both can be pretty tough, depending how talented you are.

Increase your chances of cricketing success by becoming an athlete

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Today's article is a guest post by cricket coach John Hurley. You can read more tips at his blog and can find him coaching at Activate Cricket Centre in Mortlake, Sydney.

Imagine how successful you would be if you managed to find some sort of activity that would give your players a significant edge over 90% of their competitors.

Batting Agility Drill #1

This is a good basic drill to develop agility when moving to the ball.
The key points to remember are:
1. Take your front shoulder to the ball every time
2. Keep your hands and thus the bat back as you move forward
3. Be as still and stable as you can when you hit the ball
4.Finish long and low through the ball - high elbow - hands extended in front of face

Is your cricket lacking power?

Can power make you a better cricketer?

Absolutely, if you know how to develop these skills in the right way. In fact, having highly functional power at your command is the most important cricket fitness element there is.

Preseason training

There are a number of elements that anyone intending to play grade cricket should be addressing in the pre-season period. Some are specific to the roles you fulfil in a team (batsman, spinner, seamer, quick…) while while others need to be addressed by everyone. I will discuss them under a number of particular headings:


What's the perfect body weight for cricket?

From the impressive girth of Dwayne Leverock to the diminutive skills of Sachin, there are few sports than can incorporate the full range of shapes and sizes that cricket does. Nevertheless, there are certain ideal elements that everyone can aspire to.

What are these elements?