Fitness | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

What to do if you can't do chin ups

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Chin ups are an essential part of any cricketer's training programme and have the advantage of being able to be done almost anywhere, but many players avoid them.

It's easy to understand why. They are hard to do.

Why bother looking foolish on the chin up bar when you can do a few more sets of bicep curls to make the guns look great?

Static vs Dynamic Stretching - When to use each

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Static stretching exercises, in which you're not moving around at all but are simply elongating a particular muscle or group of muscles, do have a place in your training program, but their value and proper usage are often misunderstood.

It's probably best to place your static stretches at the end of your workout as part of the cool-down, not at the beginning of a training session. Static exercises help bring your body back toward a state of rest and recovery and allow you to relax and lengthen the muscles that you have put under stress during your workout.

Medicine Ball Training (Part 2)

 And now for the HARD part!
Remember - you only get out of an exercise what you are willing and able to put into the exercise!


Agility Drill: Drills for After warm-up

Try some of these after you've warmed up and done your basics. Always good to have some new drills to work at to keep things fresh! 


Agility Star Drill

This is a GREAT clip! No fancy shoes or flash training field....just some cones, some committed trainers trying to get better and a MANIC coach screaming at them! LOVE IT! WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE FIX HIS CONE?!!!!


5 simple exercises to help you unravel the mystery of core training for cricket

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Nobody knows what the core is.

Is it your abs? Your deep musculature? Your lower back? Your shoulders? Your bum?

Try and find common textbook definition and you fail. Everyone has an idea what the core is, but it’s hard to find agreement on what exactly it is.

Add to this, the ability of the core area to do more than one thing and no wonder there is so much myth and confusion around core training to improve cricket.

So let's get back to basics.

An introduction to playing better cricket


After several hundred posts I thought it was time you got an introduction. Or, more specifically; Some of the ideas and people behind the practical tips on this site that make you a better player. If you understand these pillars, you understand the system I use and that's essential to your success.

Are you worried your body fat is preventing your cricket success?

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Creative Commons License photo credit: tauseef_ravian153

Should club cricketers care about carrying a bit of excess weight?

The first class and international game is peppered with examples of players who didn't let a belly get in the way of doing well: Rob Key, Arjuna Ranatunga, Shane Warne.

You couldn't call them failures.
